Carolyn Hobbs MA, LMFT, BCT

As Author, Licensed Therapist, Lecturer, Workshop Leader and College Professor, I am passionately committed to giving people quick, practical ways to bring freedom and inner peace into their busy lives.

After thirty years of bringing Buddhist wisdom and Body-Centered Therapist to help clients with chronic pain, depression, anxiety, illness and marriage counseling, I watched firsthand as thousands of people, young and old, embraced the ten Heart Choices offered in Shortcuts to Freedom with open hearts. Disgruntled with the side effects of Western medications, readers short on time and money gain the daily gifts of being present, curious, awake and compassionate in without any need to meditate every morning or attend lengthy meditation retreats. As a young girl watching my mother suffer from depression, I passionately chased after health and happiness as an adult. After finding daily living skills beyond my imagination in Buddhism and body-centered therapy, I honed these to ten-minute tools for readers.