Andrea Seydel - The Book Doula

Sometimes life gives you lemons how I turn struggle into lemonade!

Throughout my life, I've learned some valuable principles that have been instrumental in my development. Life isn't perfect, but we can learn and grow while we struggle well.

How I went from attention deficit disorder and anxiety-ridden childhood... to a Yoga Instructor, a Psychology student with no clear career direction... to best selling author, podcaster helping thousands of people, as a life coach and book doula.

When you are in the clouds, sometimes it is hard to see the sun! But the sun is always there, and this is my story...


Let Enthusiasm and Joy Be Your Magnet

If you follow what brings you joy and spend your life doing what brings you happiness, you are more likely to find success. I often thought my unconventional career was going nowhere and lacked focus. But where enthusiasm and passion led me, happiness and success followed.

I went from a fitness instructor to a nutritionist-weight-loss coach. From Yoga Instructor to life-balance magazine editor. From self-publishing author to book doula, from editor to CEO of my publishing house. My guiding principle to follow my enthusiasm and excitement started at a young age as a strong-willed competitive gymnast. Intrigued by the power of the mind and body, I choose to study biology and psychology. While at university, I wanted to stay active; I followed my desire to teach fitness and yoga. The best thing about it was I got paid to do what I love, plus the free membership was a bonus.  My love of yoga and passion for teaching and doing yoga lead me to a successful yoga studio business. It was my passion to eat healthily and stay fit, so I decided to become educated and certified as a nutritionist. Little did I know that I'd be helping hundreds of women lose weight, using my psychology, nutrition and fitness knowledge. Entirely unaware that my magazine and obsessions with reading would lead to book clubs, podcasts and publishing. One thing is certain: everything I do contributes to human flourishing and well-being! Although my career is unconventional, I continue to let enthusiasm and joy act as my daily compass!

Monthly Contributing Member: Recovery Today Magazine



B.A. Psychology

RNCP Registered Nutrition Consulting Practitioner

PPP Positive Psychology Practitioner 

CPC Certified Professional Coach

CAPP Certificate In Applied Positive Psychology 

CPPC Certified Positive Psychology Coach 

ERYT Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher

CNVC Certified Non Violent Communication Trainer 

NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

WISP Well-Being In-School Support Practitioner 

Mental Health First Aid & Applied Suicide Intervention Training