Paul Mundt, LMFT

I'm the owner and director of Journey Trauma Recovery and have been treating mood disorders, addictions, and trauma since 1993. I've successfully treated  thousands of clients with my unique and effective experiential  group therapy program.

By using my groundbreaking Systematic Trauma Recovery approach to overcoming trauma,  I'm able to laser in on the toxic emotions that clients have buried and allow these  to surface. Once surfaced, these emotions can be addressed and resolved, freeing the client from the emotional baggage and unfinished business of the past.  

Why Our Program Is Effective

Most psychotherapy is talk therapy, which activates the left side of the brain.  Emotional trauma is stored in the right brain.  The only way to resolve emotional trauma is to access this emotional right brain and externalize the emotions that we have internalized. Unresolved emotion will continue to fester, and poison our lives in the present.  Only through releasing these emotions in a safe and therapeutic setting can we put our past in the past and move on free from our repressed toxic emotions that create havoc in our lives.

Trauma Recovery Treatment

Our focus is on treating the trauma that is the core issue behind many of the symptoms of trauma. These symptoms include depression, anxiety addictions, relationship problems, and physical health issues. Most psychotherapy treatment focuses on these "symptoms" and ignores the deeper unresolved anger, hurt, fear, guilt, and shame that fuels our visible symptoms. These visible symptoms then become the focus of treatment, leaving the core cause of these destructive symptoms untreated.

Our Program

We offer a powerful three day psychotherapy group experience that can rapidly and permanently heal your unresolved emotional pain from traumatic events in your life.  You are able release toxic repressed emotions and move on with your life free from  the chains of your past. Our trauma recovery techniques include experiential and somatic psychotherapy that engages the entire body in the recovery process.