Charlie Smith


Charlie Smith’s story is not an ordinary one. His is a true story of having to take on life, and all it would throw at him (it threw a lot). It is about showing up when life deals you a bad hand. It is about pushing through adversity, pain, and injustice even when the road gets tough, and you fall hard. It is about overcoming the odds to take control, and finding the clarity to create the life you want while living out your mission and purpose.
By the age of 6 years old, the innocence of his young life was stolen by his violent father. At the age of 12, Charlie had turned to alcohol to numb the pain of the abuse and escape the reality of his life. Fueled by a relentless work ethic that he developed to avoid his violent home life, he left Scarborough, Maine at the age of 19 and never returned. He would remain on the run from himself and embark on a 30-year business career as an entrepreneur and real estate investor completing over $1 Billion in deals.
On the outside, it seemed Charlie just had the knack for finding opportunities and creating value. But his determined work ethic and increasing reliance on drugs and alcohol served the same master – they were just ways to stay distracted from dealing with his deep inner pain.   Through all these obstacles, including a difficult battle with substance abuse, failures in business, and broken relationships, Charlie eventually realized that his largest adversary was himself. He reached a crossroads and decided to finally take responsibility for his life. He is not looking back, and more importantly, he is going to use all that he’s learned to help others. After suffering in silence for too long, Charlie has chosen to Overcome Outloud; speaking candidly about his journey and providing incredible insight and meaningful solutions to those who are looking for real, actionable ways to move from where they are to where they want to be. Whether you are facing storms in your own life or just wanting more, Charlie will inspire and empower you to take ownership of The Pen to write the story of your life. He works tirelessly to eliminate the stigma associated with addiction and abuse, as a testimony to his overcoming and surviving his battles with both. His commitment to mental performance is not optional but foundational to his life. His belief in a resilient mindset and the power of optimism is not a theoretical white paper born out of research and theory. These beliefs are grounded in the fact that he has practiced them and is living them, every single day. Charlie’s true credentials come from his own life experiences. What makes Charlie’s message unique is its raw truth. Charlie’s teachings and interactive courses are not about following his exact journey. After all, only YOU have the power to control your path. He is not motivating; he’s inspiring and empowering you to change your life for the better by changing the way you think. His audience and influence range from high-level executives and leadership teams to athletes and young professionals looking to create their best life. There is immense value in Charlie’s Keynote speeches, podcasts, and courses. As a mental performance coach and personal trainer for your mind, Charlie wants to cultivate optimism and help you tackle adversity in a thoughtful, empathetic, and compassionate way.