Holyoake Drumbeat

Holyoake is a leading provider of drug and alcohol counselling and support services in Western Australia

Let us help you change your life

Enabling lasting change for individuals, families and communities

Need to talk to someone? We’re here to help

Holyoake reaches out to thousands of people each year. We welcome everyone with a holistic, non-judgemental approach in a safe and caring environment.
Holyoake’s DRUMBEAT is the world’s first structured learning program using music, psychology and neurobiology to reconnect with ourselves and others. The name DRUMBEAT is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts. DRUMBEAT incorporates hand drumming, behavioural therapeutic principles and cognitive and dialectical elements to achieve positive outcomes. It is estimated that over 50,000 people around the world have participated in and experienced the benefits of the program so far. As humans, we are social beings and by our very nature dependent upon relationships for our survival and prosperity. Relationships define identity, connect us in meaningful ways, and let us experience rich and fulfilling lives. DRUMBEAT facilitates the social and emotional skills for healthy relationships and values. This process of re-connection with self and interconnection with others enables profound social and behavioural change. DRUMBEAT won two prestigious awards at the WA Constable Care Child Safety Awards 2013, an Award for Excellence in Community Services in 2010, and was a finalist at the National Drug and Alcohol Awards in 2009. Scroll down to learn how you can engage with DRUMBEAT or email drumbeat@holyoake.org.au for more information.
If you are looking for confidential, professional counselling and support, or know someone who could benefit from our expertise, please contact us today.