Tekuma Recovery Group

Tekuma Recovery Group evaluates alcohol addiction treatment and drug addiction treatment needs, including gambling and eating disorder treatment needs for people who have become dependent on these compulsive symptoms. Tekuma recommends a unique and specific drug rehab program and alcohol treatment program found only in Israel. Tekuma Recovery Group evaluates alcohol addiction treatment and drug addiction treatment needs, including gambling and eating disorder treatment needs for people who have become dependent on these compulsive symptoms. Tekuma recommends a unique and specific drug rehab program and alcohol treatment program found only in Israel. We select appropriate applicants to participate in one of several possible unique Therapeutic Communities, where the twelve step drug and alcohol treatment approach is worked around your specific dependency symptoms. In this 24/7 therapeutic milieu, mutual self-help occurs with members of the community acting as one another's "brother's and sister's keepers," and staff acting as role models and rational authorities. Tekuma locates and recommends the exact community that will treat your specific needs. Though the Tekuma recovery process occurs in Israel, the program is not a traditional or exclusively Jewish drug rehab program. Because Tekuma believes that there is a little bit of Israel in everyone, we welcome members of all faiths, ethnicities, and color. We believe rebirth is a universal process without parochial limitations of any kind.

Why Israel?

Therapeutic Communities in Israel offer an exceptional opportunity for people living in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and other English speaking cultures to achieve lasting sobriety and freedom from their multiple dependencies. Because the treatment takes place in Israel, the person will achieve his emotional health and freedom from dependency as a result of social-educational processes unique to Israel and its miraculous history. We say that if you don't believe in miracles, you are not realistic.